Sunday, December 7, 2014

Teardown Begins

I've spent a few evenings in the garage disassembling the Mustang. I started from the front and removed the fenders first. To do that, I also removed the grille and lights. After getting them off, I decided to buy new buckets for the headlights as they were pretty badly rusted. Someone had tried to fix them with fiberglass but that just would not do. Luckily Trade Parts had them in storage so it should not take long to get them.

Before fitting in the new fenders, I think I'll try to clean and paint the inner wheel wells. That might need a power washer or stream cleaner. We'll see. After removing most parts from the front, I also disassembled some parts from the rear.

After getting the damaged rear valance off, I also test fitted the new one on. It will need some tweaking but should be usable. I have a lot more parts to get off the car but at least this is a start.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Pony Moves Into a New Stable

It's been a while since I worked with my Mustang. I realised that there was no way I could prepare my car for the full repaint in my garage so I set out to search for a new one. The one I rented last winter was already gone so it was not an option. After placing a wanted add to Mustang Forum I found another one a few kilometers away from my home. I checked it out and decided to take it. Not that I had much choice in the matter as heated garages are pretty rare in the rental market...

As the Mustang was not registered at the moment, I got a pair of temporary plates and drove to the new garage. Luckily there is no snow on the ground yet. There had been some a few days ago but it melt away. The drive was uneventful and now I had plenty of room to work in. There were a few other cars in the garage too but the building was large enough for even more. I think first order of business is to tear the car down and possibly try and remove the old paint...